Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is a treatment based on Chinese medicine,  a system of healing that dates back thousands of years.

At the core of Chinese medicine is the idea that a life force, or energy, known as qi (Pronounced “chee”) flows through energy pathways in the body. Each of these pathways correspond to an organ or a group of organs that govern particular bodily functions. Achieving a proper balance of this energy is thought to create health and wellness.

Acupuncture has been Shown to:

- Detoxify the body of chemicals

- Reduce substance cravings

- Calm the mind

- Improve the immune system

- Enhanced ability to abstain from addictive substances.

It is also said to

- Increase energy in the body making it easier for clients to stay active

The NADA protocol is done at many treatment centers nationwide and many states have laws allowing clinical providers to be trained in doing this process, unfortunately California is not one of them and so acupuncture is often overlooked as a form of support for those in acute or post acute withdrawal. Looking at the research and through personal experience CTP has made it as part of its program acupuncture when available. This can be suspended at times due to availability of state licensed acupuncturists. Please ask for an acupuncture schedule.

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